Muay Thai is know as the king of the ring and uses all "eight limbs" of the body: punches, kicks, elbows and knees like no other striking system. It's an amazing workout and extremely effective for self defense.

Getting into shape can be a challenge if you don’t work your entire body. Training in Muay Thai uses all major muscle groups, helping to build your strength, flexibility, and stamina.



You want a fat-blasting, calorie nuking workout that will get you the body you have always wanted.

Do you want to be able to ACTUALLY defend yourself or your family.

Relieve stress and anxiety.

Coach Dave Dow


Dave Dow

I’m Dave Dow, the Owner here at NAK Martial Arts.

I founded NAK Martial Arts with a passion for teaching kids martial arts in a safe environment, and to empower them to learn life-skills that will carry them well into adulthood.

Now, NAK Martial Arts is proud to be one of the FEW schools in Tennessee that requires their instructors to complete a full certification course, prior to being allowed to lead a class.

In fact, that’s why NAK Martial Arts trains some of the highest-class martial arts students in the state (and we’re pretty proud of that fact!)…

That said, it isn’t all about the punching and kicking! Our NAK Martial Arts unique Powerful Character Development program has been proven to help kids learn valuable life skills that can be applied in every aspect of their life to help them achieve success.

While many martial art schools talk about confidence and leadership…our students ACTIVELY complete real life skill activities and drills to prepare them to land the best opportunities available!

Burn Fat. Build Lean Muscle. Fast.

The secret to losing weight is finding a way to burn more calories each day than you take in. For most people, that means getting regular exercise to burn some of what they eat.

A single Muay Thai workout can burn upto 800 calories. That means that your body will easily burn more calories than you take in, leading to a net loss of weight.

And, Muay Thai increases muscle mass. Since muscle burns more calories than fat does, regular Muay Thai workouts can boost your metabolism, making it easy to lose weight.


With our Muay Thai program in no time you will feel stronger, and more confident, your punches and kicks will feel more powerful, the waistline will shrink down and you will start to see muscles in areas you did not know you had. Plus you have more energy for work and be able to deal with the stresses life throws at you in a much better fashion.


Muay Thai is known as the king of the ring. It has proven itself for hundreds of years in kickboxing-style competitions and also in the last few years in MMA (mixed martial arts like the UFC and One Fighting Championships) and if it can teach people to deal with other trained fighters; your child will easily be able to handle the local bully. Whereas karate and similar arts spend a lot of time on forms; pre-arranged dance-like choreographed sequences that have very little to do with fighting skills or self-defense.

Muay Thai teaches real self-defense for the real world
Muay Thai workouts improve cardiovascular fitness and reduce the risk of heart disease.

fun-ctional Fitness

We all know we need to incorporate do a cardiovascular workout, do some strength training maintain or even improve our flexibility, and burn off the extra calories ie fat. But who has the time?

Muay Thai training is a mix of both aerobic and anaerobic workout, The aerobic element helps increase the overall cardiovascular health In addition to providing an intense cardio workout, Muay Thai training works every major muscle group to help build lean muscle and strength all while increasing your flexibility . It’s THE workout you’ve been searching for.

Muay Thai Makes You Drip with Sweat and ...Confidence

Strongly believing in oneself is what makes the core of confidence. When you start believing in yourself, you tend to exhibit great levels of confidence. Muay Thai gives you all the necessary boosts to make you feel good about yourself.

You will have learned self-defense techniques, you will have reduced levels of stress and anxiety, you will be physically more in shape than before, and basically have become a true Spartan – what else do you need to make your confidence level reach the sky?

As Muay Thai not only trains your body but mind too, you will develop spontaneity, both in reflexes and in decisions and become the best version of yourself. This naturally makes you brimming with confidence no matter where or who you are.

kickboxing in Murfreesboro Tennessee

a major stress-reliever

Stress is much more deadly threat than any mugger. Stress can have a negative impact on your physical, emotional, and mental health if you don’t find ways to minimize it.

Working out regularly releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. Muay Thai workouts will help you maintain the proper hormonal balance so you can cope with stress as it arises.

At the same time, Muay Thai can also make you feel better about yourself and your body, which contributes to good mental health and makes it less likely that stress will affect you.
Pluss beating the crap out of a punhcing bag and pads ....just feels AWESOME.


Not at all. You’ll find that our classes for beginners are the perfect way to build up your overall fitness level regardless of your physical condition. Good luck!
Not at all. In fact, many students starting in our Muay Thai classes would describe themselves like that before they started. So you will fit right in! Give yourself some time, and you will be astounded at how much you improve! You’ll find that our very experienced martial arts Instructors, are trained to keep their teaching simple. So even the most uncoordinated person will develop ‘ninja-like’ skills! Come see for yourself!
NO. Anyone, at any age, can do Muay Thai kickboxing. Go at your own pace and we will help you safely push yourself to your limit. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results.
We go to great lengths to make our Muay Thai program as safe as possible, especially for beginners. ,As with all sports and physical activities, there is some risk of injury, however, martial arts has much lower rates of injuries compared to other sports.


Martial arts classes get kids off their screens into an environment where they can explore what they are physically capable of.

Training in Muay Thai will help develop their athletic abilities that will help them excel in any sport.

Kids learn the importance of respecting others and allowing them to speak without interruption